This chapter contains detailed informations about the BlueWave, QWK and XRS boxes.
Alice offline session scheme
This section explains some of the details of how offline mailboxes work and how Alice handles the download and upload files.
When you open a mailbox, Alice looks for an upload mail packet. If it finds one, it asks you whether you want to delete the mailbag or pack it again. If you have uploaded the mailbag, then delete it, otherwise choose "Pack" to include the messages in the new mailbag.
While you are reading messages in a mailbox, Alice stores each message you have written in a separate file. When you close the mailbox, Alice searches the mailbox’s folder for message files and packs all it can find into the upload mailbag. verwendet werden.
After checking for an existing upload mailbag, Alice looks for the downloaded mailbag from the BBS. If it finds a download mailbag,
and you haven’t read all the messages in the last mailbag, it asks you whether you want to read the old messages or unpack the new ones. If "unpack automatically" is selected, Alice moves the download mailbag into the mailbox’s folder and launches the selected unpacker.
After you have finished reading and writing messages, when you close the mailbox, Alice packs all the message you have written into an upload mailbag. If an error occurs at this point (e.g., no more space on the hard disk) Alice packs what it can and leaves the remaining message files untouched. They will be automatically packed next time.
When opening a box, you may see any of a number of dialog boxes, as described below.
The output file "…" has not been deleted…
Alice has found some messages that may not have been uploaded to the BBS properly. Click on "Pack" if you want Alice to include them in your next upload packet - otherwise they will be deleted.
Warning! You haven’t read all the messages of the BBS "...".
You haven’t read all the messages in your last message packet. If you unpack the new packet, the old messages will be lost. Click "Read" if you want to read the old messages, or "Unpack" to read the new ones.
The old file must be deleted in order to unpack the new one!
Alice has found an older message packet in the BBS folder. You can choose to unpack the old packet again, or delete it and unpack the new one. Usually you will want to choose "Delete" so that you can read the messages in the new packet. Alice will then automatically launch the unpacker and open the messages for you to read.
BlueWave Mailboxes
Use the BlueWave box type to read and answer to BlueWave pakets.
Download Parameters
These parameters are needed for reading and writing messages.
Folder for all files of the BBS: if you call several BBSs and download BlueWave packets from each one, you should use a separate folder for each mailbox. While the packed mailbags from the different BBSs have different names, the files inside the mailbags may use the same names, so the files from one BBS will overwrite the files from another BBS unless you use separate folders for each BBS.
The next fields are only necessary if you want Alice to unpack your mailbags automatically. You might as well, since it’s very convenient...
Download file from Box: first of all, you need a mailbag from your BBS. If you don’t have one yet, call the BBS and download a mailbag from the local BlueWave system. Then click on the button next to "Download file from Box" and select the downloaded mailbag. Alice will always look for the mailbag in the same place, so don’t move the mailbag out of the standard download folder of your terminal program. Alice may replace a few characters in the file name with asterisks - this has to do with supporting multiline BBSs and is normal.
Automatically unpack with: use this option to have Alice automatically unpack your mailbag. Select your unpacker.
Delete after unpacking: this option automatically deletes the packed mailbag after unpacking it. Don’t use this option unless you are chronically short on hard disk space...
To change the next two parameters, hold down the "option" key while choosing "Add New Box" or "Change Parameter".
No "Delete" Alert: If checked, the old download-paket will be deleted WITHOUT asking you.
Own "To Me": BlueWave pakets contain informations which message are adressed to you. Sometimes these informations are not set correctly by BBS and the number of message "To Me" is not correctly. Enable this option, Alice will use the "To" field and looks itself if the messages are for you, but this is a needs a bit time.
Upload parameters
If you want to write messages, you need to fill out some more information.
Folder for the upload packet: choose the folder where you would like Alice to save the file that you will upload to the BBS. The filename is selected automatically by the BlueWave system.
Output file type: here you can select the filetype of the upload packet. You need to select a type that will prevent your terminal program from uploading the mail packet with MacBinary. For ZTerm, use the default type "zBIN" and turn on "Smart MacBinary" in ZTerm. If you use a different terminal program, check the documentation or turn off MacBinary before you upload your mail packet.
Choosing a packer
The BlueWave system that runs on the BBS needs to receive the uploaded mailbags in packed form. Alice can automatically generate "pseudo-packed" files that are compatible with nearly all BBSs.
Pseudo-ARC, Pseudo-ZIP: use Alice’s built-in pseudo-packer.
Pack application: this lets you select a packing program. A description of the Alice packer interface in the last chapter. Future versions of Alice may also support other ways of launching packing applications.
Wrapping: line width : you messages are edited as a "free flow" text. Because other BlueWave may not display such messages correctly, Alice wrapps the lines so the match your given line width. You should set a value less than 80!
To change the next parameter, hold down the "option" key while choosing "Add New Box" or "Change Parameter".
Always Include: If checked, Your upload-paket will always be included. This is fine if your terminal-script deletes the paket after uploading it.
Call Up parameters
Specify your terminal application and (if one exists) a script file, which connects to your mailbox. A detailed desciption look at the "Alias Boxtyp".
QWK Mailboxes
A QWK mailbox lets you read and write messages using the QWK offline reader system.
Dowload parameters
To be able to read and write messages, you need to set up the download parameters for the mailbox.
Folder for all files of the BBS: If you call several BBSs and download QWK packets from each one, you should use a separate folder for each mailbox. While the packed mailbags from the different BBSs have different names, the files inside the mailbags all use the same standard QWK names, so the files from one BBS will overwrite the files from another BBS unless you use separate folders for each BBS.
The next fields are only necessary if you want Alice to unpack your mailbags automatically. You might as well, since it’s very convenient...
Download file from Box: first of all, you need a mailbag from your BBS. If you don’t have one yet, call the BBS and download a mailbag from the local XRS system. Then click on the button next to "Download file from Box" and select the downloaded mailbag. Alice will always look for the mailbag in the same place, so don’t move the mailbag out of the standard download folder of your terminal program. Alice may replace a few characters in the file name with asterisks - this has to do with supporting multiline BBSs and is normal.
Automatically unpack with: use this option to have Alice automatically unpack your mailbag. Select your unpacker (such as "ZipIt").
Delete after unpacking: this option automatically deletes the packed mailbag after unpacking it. Don’t use this option unless you are chronically short on hard disk space...
Name of Netmail Area: the QWK pakets do not contain information within which area you can write netmails. If you want to use the "Answer Private" and the netmail are should always added to the popup menus (Answer window), type its name here!
To change the next two parameters, hold down the "option" key while choosing "Add New Box" or "Change Parameter".
No "Delete" Alert: If checked, the old download-paket will be deleted WITHOUT asking you.
Remember Areas: some QWK doors only tell you the name of areas which contain new messages. If so, you can't write inside "missing" areas. You may activate this option, you could do so! If (option enabled) areas appear twice, you must disable this option!
Upload parameters
If you want to write messages, you need to fill out some more information.
Folder for the upload packet: choose the folder where you would like Alice to save the file that you will upload to the BBS. The filename is selected automatically by the QWK system. All uploadable mailbags have filenames that end in ".REP".
Output file type: here you can select the filetype of the upload packet. You need to select a type that will prevent your terminal program from uploading the mail packet with MacBinary. For ZTerm, use the default type "zBIN" and turn on "Smart MacBinary" in ZTerm. If you use a different terminal program, check the documentation or turn off MacBinary before you upload your mail packet.
Choosing a packer
The QWK system that runs on the BBS needs to receive the uploaded mailbags in packed form. Alice can automatically generate "pseudo-packed" files that are compatible with nearly all BBSs.
Pseudo-ARC, Pseudo-ZIP: use Alice’s built-in pseudo-packer.
Pack application: this lets you select a packing program. A description of the Alice packer interface in the last chapter. Future versions of Alice may also support other ways of launching packing applications.
Wrapping: line width : you messages are edited as a "free flow" text. Because other QWK may not display such messages correctly, Alice wrapps the lines so the match your given line width. You should set a value less than 80!
To change the next option, hold down the "option" key while choosing "Add New Box" or "Change Parameter".
Always import: If checked, Your upload-paket will always be included. This is fine if your terminal-script deletes the paket after uploading it. To change this option, hold down the "option" key while choosing "Add New Box" or "Change Parameter".
Call Up parameters
Specify your terminal application and (if one exists) a script file, which connects to your mailbox. A detailed desciption look at the "Alias Boxtyp".
QWK Files
The download packet you receive from the BBS contains the following files:
- "*.NDX" : area index, not used by Alice
- "CONTROL.DAT" : various information about the BBS and its areas
- "MESSAGES.DAT" : the messages themselves
- "NEWFILES.DAT" : List of new files of the BBS. Choose "New Files" from the "Windows"-menu (see also "Menus and Dialog Boxes:New Files").
- "BLT-0.*" : additional information, e.g. News you'll see on your logon. You can open this file with any word processor.
Alice creates the following files:
- [mailbox name] : setup parameters of the mailbox
- "QWK Message Index" : status of each message (read/unread)
- "Upload Index": various information about the messages you have written.
If you want to run your unpacking program by hand, rather than have Alice launch it automatically, you must delete the file "QWK Messsage Index" first.
XRS Mailboxes
Use an XRS mailbox to unpack, open and read messages you have downloaded from a mailbox supporting the XRS offline reader.
Open Parameters
The parameters let you set up the procedure for opening the message packet for a particular mailbox.
Folder for all files of the BBS: this is the folder where you would like Alice to store the files from the XRS packet.
If you call several BBSs and download XRS packets from each one, you should use a separate folder for each mailbox. While the packed mailbags from the different BBSs have different names, the files inside the mailbags all use the same standard XRS names, so the files from one BBS will overwrite the files from another BBS unless you use separate folders for each BBS.
The next fields are only necessary if you want Alice to unpack your mailbags automatically. You might as well, since it’s very convenient...
Download file from Box: first of all, you need a mailbag from your BBS. If you don’t have one yet, call the BBS and download a mailbag from the local XRS system. Then click on the button next to "Download file from Box" and select the downloaded mailbag. Alice will always look for the mailbag in the same place, so don’t move the mailbag out of the standard download folder of your terminal program. Alice may replace a few characters in the file name with asterisks - this has to do with supporting multiline BBSs and is normal.
Automatically unpack with: use this option to have Alice automatically unpack your mailbag. Select your unpacker (such as "ZipIt").
Delete after unpacking: this option automatically deletes the packed mailbag after unpacking it. Don’t use this option unless you are chronically short on hard disk space...
If you want to write messages, you need to fill out some more information.
Output file for box: here you create the upload packet that you will later upload to the BBS with your terminal program. Save the packet in a folder from which you can conveniently upload it. If you use a name with a numeral at the start, such as "1Upload", the file will be displayed at the top of the file dialog box in the terminal program, so you don’t have to scroll to find it.
Alice will truncate the filename and append the suffix ".PKT", because some DOS-based BBSs get quite confused otherwise. If the XRS of your BBS doesn’t accept your upload packet, try using a name consisting of 8 digits, such as "12345678" or ask your sysop.
Output file type: here you can select the filetype of the upload packet. You need to select a type that will prevent your terminal program from uploading the mail packet with MacBinary. For ZTerm, use the default type "zBIN" and turn on "Smart MacBinary" in ZTerm. If you use a different terminal program, check the documentation or turn off MacBinary before you upload your mail packet.
Misc parameters
WARNING! Change these parameters only, if you know what you are doing! Always write down the old settings before you make any change! This is for advanced users only.
You can only change the "Misc" parameters, if you press the "option" Key while accessing "Add New Box" or "Change Parameter".
Paket Type, Use Pointnet: these parameters define, how your address will appear inside the upload packets.
Which packet type you can use depends on the TOSSER (the application which inspects and imports your messages) on your BBS. Every tosser must be able to use "Stone-Age" packets. If you use this type, always check "Use Pointnet"!
Before You start using "FTS-039" or "2+ (FTS 048)"-pakets ask your Sysop if you can do so - if you use this don't use the Pointnet option!!
"Use Pointnet" means, that the tosser (and packet type) can not use 4D-addressing.
More information about "pointnet" and packet types are available through the Fido Technical Documents (your Sysop should have them) number 1, 39 and 48.
FMPT in Echomail: in Netmails Your Pointnumber will always be stored in a Klugde-Line (because there's no Origin line where your address can be stored). Some tossers need those Klugde-Lines also in Echomails to verify your identity. If the tosser won't accept Your echo-messages, set this option...
If your pakets, generated with the default-settings "Stone-Age" and "Use Pointnet", are not accepted, follow these steps:
Write some test messages to your Sysop as Netmails. Use "FTS 039" paket type. If there are no messages found inside your paket when it reaches your Sysop’s BBS, switch off "Use Pointnet". If this doesn't work, use "2+ (FTS 048)" as the packet type.
Please don't forget to write a new message each time before you upload the paket - this makes sure You always use the newly selected format. It is wise to note your current settings inside the message...
If all else fails, contact the author of Alice!
If your Echomails are not accepted, follow these steps:
Write some test messages to your Sysop in a local echomail area (one which only exist in his BBS).
Use "FMPT in Echomails". If this doesn't work, follow the instructions above (always use "FMPT in Echomails", it hurts nobody :-)
No Question when Delete old Downloadpaket: if checked, Your old download-pakets would be deleted WITHOUT asking You.
No Question when Import Uploadpaket: if checked, Your Uploadpakets (written messages) will always be imported. This is neat, if Your Terminalscript deletes the paket after uploading it...
Call Up parameters
Specify your terminal application and (if one exists) a script file, which connects to your mailbox. A detailed desciption look at the "Alias Boxtyp".
XRS Files
The packed mailbag you receive from the BBS contains the following files, where "*" stands for a numeral from 1-9:
- "ACCESS*.XRS" : status of the various areas, such as "netmail"
- "AREAS*.XRS" : the names of the different areas
- "BAT*MAIL.XRS" : the messages themselves (you can open this file with a word processor in an emergency)
- "MAIL*IDX.XRS" : an index to the individual messages
- "USER*.XRS" : your userlevel in the BBS
- "SUMMARY*.XRS" : additional information, such as which new files are available on the BBS. You can view this file by choosing "SUMMARY*.XRS" from the "Window" menu.
- "ORIGIN*.XRS": (optional) contains the default origin line for the mailbox
Alice creates two files:
- [mailbox name] : preferences for the mailbox - fonts, origin line etc.
- "Message Index" : the status of each message, i.e. "read" or "unread"
Delete "Message Index" before you launch the unpacker by yourself!
Alias Mailbox
An alias mailbox is analogous to an alias in the Finder. It lets you launch a certain application or document to open or print. "Launch in background" launches the application without pulling it to the front. (System 7 only.).
Note: if you want to open a document, you must (in oposide to the finder) specify a application!